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Introducing “Detune”: The Latest Track from Midnight McBride Released by Mustache Crew Records


Introducing “Detune”: The Latest Track from Midnight McBride Released by Mustache Crew Records

Midnight McBride is a Manchester, England-based DJ and producer previously known for his work as a radio presenter and the founder of “The Prophet’s Collective.” Additionally, McBride is a podcast host, actor, published author, and meditation instructor.

In January 2022, McBride took a significant step back from his career to embrace a reclusive lifestyle. After setting up his studio, he devoted the following two years to immersing himself in music production. This period of intense learning and development culminated in his dynamic return to the music scene.

His debut track, “Detune,” was released on February 23, 2024, through Mustache Crew Records. The track has enjoyed notable success, spending two weeks in Beatport’s Tech-House top 100 chart,initially debuting at number 76. It remains the label’s top-selling track on Beatport, a position it has held since its release.

“I would liken my first track “DETUNE” to the Tarantino film “From Dusk Til lDawn”. You literally have no idea what’s coming untilit slaps you in the face. Its fist pumping, pitch shifting, trumpet twisting mayhem!!!”–Midnight McBride.

Further information about Midnight McBride can be discovered by following the link.

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