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Ampermut Presses a Melodic Downtempo Jam Because ‘Winter Ends’


Ampermut Presses a Melodic Downtempo Jam Because ‘Winter Ends’

You can almost see the ice melting off a plant and a flower breaking through as Ampermut‘s ‘Winter Ends’ light feeling downtempo track picks up and hits with a shiny groove. We got the OHM Recordings release to share right in time for the end of winter, so unzip your bubble jackets and shake it in the sun as Ampermut intended deep in his studio session in Vienna.

Sharing about the journey of the song Ampermut shares, “I was growing up in the Bavarian alps where winters been harsh and long but also stunningly beautiful as the mountains are covered in snow and the light seems kind of unreal at times.

The song has a (for my standards) quite complex chord progression without sounding cheesy in anyway due to its slow approach. Everyone warned me about the intro being quite long which is bad for radio play but I just couldn’t chop it off as it represents this moment of spring making it’s way thru the heavy snow. The switch into a rhythmic lead starting from the break is a homage on the blaze´s TERRITORY which is one of my all time favs.”

Ampermut Bulgarian Alps

You will run across Ampermut’s records while sifting through Cafe de Anatolia, Suprematic Sounds, WAYU Records, Artist Intelligence Agency, Chemical Energy, and Miss Daisy Kong‘s collections. The Austrian’s archive has been being built over the past dozen years and showcases his musicianship consisting of anything from acoustic pop singles and techno to his more signature deep house and downtempo that brings us back to appreciating our human experience.

Here is the track that landed on our radar first, a remix of The Door‘s ‘People Are Strange’ with the Gobi Desert Collective, then live within Ampermut’s world by enjoying more of his releases and selects over on his Spotify.


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